Contact Number of Harrahs Atlantic CityThe contact number of Harrahs Atlantic City is (609) 441-5000. Address of Harrahs Atlantic CityThe address of Harrahs Atlantic City is 777 Harrah's Boulevard, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States.
The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Harrahs Atlantic City is mentioned in below section. The address and contact number of Harrahs Atlantic City is also used for Harrahs Ac Atlantic City, Borgata Atlantic City, Harrah's Atlantic City Suites and Harrah's Atlantic City Spa. Harrah's Hotel consists of more than 2,588 rooms and it was renovated in 20. The Hotel provides a wide range of facilities that includes deluxe rooms, casino with an area of about 160,000 square feet, spa center, fitness center, wireless Internet, restaurants, golf course, nightclubs, bars etc. It has a tower with a height of 525 feet, which is the second tallest building in Atlantic City. Harrah's Atlantic City is currently owned by Caesars Entertainment Corporation. Harrahs Atlantic City Contact Phone Number is : (609) 441-5000 and Address is 777 Harrah's Boulevard, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States Harrah's Atlantic City is an America based Hotel and casino, situated at Atlantic City, New Jersey.